Dr. Elsa Reichmanis

Dr. Elsa Reichmanis is a Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Prior to joining Georgia Tech she was Bell Labs Fellow and Director of the Materials Research Department at Bell Labs, Alcatel-Lucent. She has had impact on the field of microlithography, which is central to the manufacture of electronic devices. Her work has contributed to the development of a molecular level understanding of how chemical structure affects materials function leading to new families of lithographic materials and processes for advanced VLSI manufacturing. She has explored the design and characterization of “closed-pore” nanoporous low-dielectric constant (k > 1.4) materials exhibiting a high degree of mechanical and environmental stability. She is currently exploring active, polymer and hybrid organic/inorganic materials chemistries and processes for plastic electronics, photovoltaics and photonic technologies. She has over 150 publications, has given over 150 invited presentations, is the holder of over 20 U.S. patents and is an Editor of 5 books. Elsa Reichmanis received her Ph. D. and BS degrees in chemistry from Syracuse University. After joining Bell Labs, she was promoted to Supervisor of the Radiation Sensitive Materials and Application Group in 1984, followed by promotion to Head of the Polymer and Organic Materials Research Department in 1994. She is the recipient of several awards, and was elected to the National Academy of Engineering in 1995. She has participated in several National Research Council (NRC) activities including service as co-chair of the NRC Board on Chemical Sciences and Technology, she served as a member of the Air Force Scientific Advisory Board, was a member of the Visiting Committee on Advanced Technology of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), and currently serves as a member of the NSF Math and Physical Sciences Advisory Committee and Advisory Committee on Environmental Research and Education. She is an elected member of the Bureau of the International Union for Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), and she served as 2003 President of the American Chemical Society. Elsa Reichmanis is an Associate Editor of the ACS Journal, Chemistry of Materials. She has been married to Frank Purcell since 1979 and they have 4 children; Patrick, Elizabeth and twins, Edward and Thomas. She can be reached at ereichmanis@chbe.gatech.edu and additional information is available on her research group web-site, www.reichmanis.chbe.gatech.edu.