2018 STAMI Industry Partners Day

Georgia Tech's Center for the Science and Technology of Advanced Materials and Interfaces (STAMI) held its 2018 STAMI Industrial Partners Day and Exposition on Sept. 27-28, 2018 at The Historic Academy of Medicine. The meeting featured talks from leaders in industry and academia, student presentations, and networking opportunities.

Presentations by industry included: Dr. Gayle Schueller, Vice President and Chief Sustainability Officer at 3M on Science, Collaboration, and Improving Lives; Dr. Harald Roeckel, Senior Vice President at BASF on Challenges for Material Science and Chemistry in Coatings and Construction Industry; and Dr. Ganesh Sundaram, Vice-President of Applied Technology on Area selective ALD through the use of Self Assembled Monolayers (SAMs).

Georgia Tech Associate Professor Baratunde Cola (George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering and School of Materials Science and Engineering), Founder Carbice Corporation, gave an informative presentation on technology and business development in Carbice Corporation, with first-hand tips on how to get academic technology out of the lab and into the minds and products of customers.

Dr. Karen K. Gleason from MIT (Associate Provost & Alexander and I. Michael Kasser Professor of Chemical Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology) also gave an inspiring presenation on development of vapor deposited polymers from their fundamental discovery to commercialization in several technological areas.

Georgia Tech Professors Dr. Samuel Graham, Chair and Professor, George W.Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology presenting The Engineering of Thermal interfaces: Challenges and Opportunities and Dr. Rampi Ramprasad, Michael E. Tennenbaum Family Chair Georgia Research Alliance Eminent Scholar in Energy Sustainability presenting Polymer Genome: An Informatics Platform for Rational Polymer Dielectrics Design and Beyond, gave the audience valuable insight in to the importance and potential for commercial applications in technology currently under research at Georgia Tech.

Representatives from several companies were in attendance. STAMI students and postdocs were able to highlight their work during two poster sessions and through personal interactions with industrial participants at lunch and networking breaks.

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  • Dr. Gayle Shueller at the 2018 STAMI Industry Partners Day

  • Dr. Karen Gleason at 2018 STAMI Industry Partners Day

  • Dr. Baratunde Cola at the 2018 STAMI Industry Partners Day

  • Student Poster Session at the 2018 STAMI Industry Partners Day