Dr. H. Jerry Qi is a professor and the Woodruff Faculty Fellow in the George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology. The research in Dr. Qi’s group is in the general area of soft active materials, with three thrust areas in 1) 3D printing of soft active materials to enable 4D printing methods; 2) recycling of thermosetting polymers; and 3) nonlinear mechanics of polymeric materials. A major part of the research is on developing fundamental understanding of multi-field properties of soft active materials through experimentation and constitutive modeling then applying the understandings to 3D printing and application designs. In recent years, he and his collaborators pioneered the 4D printing concept. Dr. Qi received his bachelor’s degrees (dual degree), graduate degrees from Tsinghua University and a ScD degree from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. After one-year postdoc at MIT, he joined University of Colorado Boulder as an assistant professor in 2004. He joined Georgia Tech in 2014 as an associate professor and was promoted to a full professor in 2016. Dr. Qi can be reached at qih@me.gatech.edu or more information can be found at www.msm.gatech.edu.